Ladies’ Night Out

I have felt like getting back into the social scene as I have spent the best part of 7 months in bed. As the pain is getting more manageable, my doctor suggested I try to build up my strength and leave the house more because I would like to get back to work. Everyone leads busy lives and you can feel out of the loop when you have a chronic illness so a few months ago I asked some of my friends if we could organise a Ladies night in Swansea. As I am a huge fan of the food, drink and lovely staff at the Caribbean restaurant Turtle Bay and have now been there more than a few times(See previous article for details), I suggested it for our meal. Swansea’s restaurant scene is getting good!

My illness is still very unpredictable so 2 weeks before Ladies night, I was bedridden. I didn’t think I was going to be able to go. My friends were great though and encouraged me. A couple more days in bed and a lot of effort meant I was able to go.

I am happy to report that as usual Turtle Bay was great. Everyone enjoyed the cocktails (2 for 1 before 7pm and again after 10pm). I went for a Jamaican Mule. I love the spicy taste! The staff were really friendly and helpful. They helped me store my scooter away and to get a more comfortable chair. Myself and the rest of my party couldn’t have been better taken care of. The food was enjoyed by everyone apart from one friend who is not able to handle spicy food and had to ask for some milk to help her cool down. I should have checked that when I made my recommendation!

Ladies Night
Ladies night at Turtle Bay

When we had finished at Turtle Bay, we debated where to go. There is a new Cuban bar and restaurant called Old Havana that has opened on York Road at the bottom of Swansea city centre. It looks amazing, I had noticed it when driving past and had mentioned it to Dan on numerous occasions. It has a lovely rooftop section, and from the outside, just looks stunning. So when someone suggested it, I jumped at the chance. I will admit that when thinking of a Girls/Ladies night, I had only thought of my health, I had almost forgot about the access side of things. When we got to Old Havana, we realised it was upstairs so we asked the Doormen if there was a lift or an accessible entrance….. And there wasn’t! I couldn’t believe it! It’s a big enough building and entrance, but I couldn’t gain access! That is the first time I haven’t been able to gain access to a place so far. Sometimes it’s difficult due to narrow doors, narrow aisles etc. However. I have usually been able to overcome the obstacle. It’s usually a case of a little help from someone to open a door or help me up one or two steps. But this time it was a definite no! Even if I had crawled up the stairs (I shouldn’t have to do that!). I would not have been able to bring up my Scootie or wheelchair. It was disappointing!

I felt embarrassed. In my mind the only thing left to do was to tell the girls that I didn’t mind if they went in and I would get a taxi home. I felt like they should still go to the bar if they wanted to. Guilt is weird thing I have discovered. It makes you feel like a burden to people when your presence affects their choices, even when it is beyond your control.

Ffynoni saved the day (night actually!), by suggesting Jamaican Jill’s as they too do cocktails. As soon as we arrived they were so welcoming and accommodating! I was able to make it through the door with no issues. and because the restaurant is all on one level, the whole restaurant is accessible. The owner whose name is Bernie is very welcoming and hands on which adds to the atmosphere. It turns out also that on a Saturday night they have a Steel drum player. I really liked that! It reminded me of Barbados, even though the name is Jamaican Jills! The staff sorted a table for us making sure I had room to manouver and showed us their extensive cocktail menu. I only had a soft drink as I was tired but it looked good. Definitely somewhere I would try in the future.

I did contact Old Havana as I still could’t believe in this day and age that there was no access to a newly renovated restaurant in a large building. In fairness the man I spoke to on the phone couldn’t help me enough, and went away to find a solution. Old Havana have agreed with the restaurant below called Juniper Place, that if a person with limited mobility can mention their needs when making a reservation and on arrival will be able to have the Old Havana menu downstairs. It’s not perfect but it is something. I might get to try Cuban food in Swansea after all….

In summary I learned that you can still be spontaneous when you want to have a night out, you just have to be prepared for the fact that if you have mobility issues, you may not have access to everywhere. But if you have good company and you are willing to adapt on the fly. You can have fun. You may even get to listen to steel drums unexpectedly!
Turtle Bay:
Jamaican Jills:
Old Havana:
Juniper Place:

Edited by Mandy Barrah and Jane Conroy

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