New Skills @ Ski4All – Mini Post

Today I learned a new skill and it made me very happy but also very tired!

Ski4All has been great for me. It has given me back a lot of confidence. A lot of the time I focus on what I can’t do anymore. I can’t drive, I can’t wash or brush my hair, I don’t have independence. All that negativity, whether it comes from yourself or others, can be suffocating.

When I go to Ski4All at Pembrey Country Park (Please see previous post), they encourage you to think about what you CAN do. I am unable to lift my hands above my head so I said I would never be able to use the Tessier Kart Ski (I had to double-check the name with Mia from Ski4All as I couldn’t remember the name), but yesterday I proved myself wrong!

I was a little nervous, as my arms are not strong due to my condition and I tire so easily. But Dave my instructor was sure I could do it and encouraged me. It is hard work from the off as I am used to Dave controlling the chair, but this time, even going up the ski lift, the chair had to be steered by me. I was not prepared for that!

When we got to the top, It was then that I came to the realisation that I was truly going to be in control. I went quiet which is not like me at all, so Dave checked if I was alright! I told him I was just psyching myself up!

So off we went down the slope. I did not think I would feel so differently controlling the ski myself! It was a mixture of nerves and excitement and pride that I experienced as I worked my way down. When I got to the bottom people were whooping and cheering as they all knew it was my first time. No one was making as much noise as Mum though, which made me feel like a kid again but in a good way!

I was only able to go up and down the slope a few times as I got really tired and the pain was kicking in, but I enjoyed myself immensely.

Bethan and her team at Ski4All and the staff at Pembrey Ski Centre make this adventure the highlight of my week! I have been recommending them to everyone I meet who have or know someone with mobility issues. If you haven’t, just check out the ski centre in general. It’s fun, it’s thrilling and you meet good people, like my friend Shahd, who is the class guru on everything from ski gear to therapy! Also they do a Panini and salad which is second to none! I should have taken pictures of the one I ate this week made by Stefan, but I was too excited and too hungry to think about it!

Me and Shahd with Lloyd and Mike
Me and Shahd (bottom left) with Lloyd (top left) and Mike (top right)

Adventure really is for everyone, no matter what your ability. If my friend Abi hadn’t told me about Ski4All and pushed me to contact them, sadly I don’t think I would have believed her.

So thanks Abi xXx
Tessier Kart Ski:
Ski 4 All Wales:

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