Chameleon Blog

As some of you may know I am now in uni studying illustration. It is something I have always wanted to do but put off as I never thought it was practical. I am 40 this year and realised there are a few things I want to do.
One of these things was to finally choose a career. I did 12 years as a Civil Servant and I will be honest, I did not enjoy it. I only started working there because I was saving for mine and Dan’s wedding and stayed there because I got sick.

So in June I looked up the open day for University of Wales Trinity St David and applied but I wanted to chicken out at the last second. Dan was encouraging and got me to go.
It was at Swansea Arena and I was terrified. I was the oldest student by far from what I could see, and I felt out of place! I mean what good would an old disabled woman be at university?!

Dan went round all the stalls being great and friendly and getting me free stuff. I had a choice between graphic design and illustration. As I listened to one of the illustration lecturers talk I knew I had found my place. I suddenly didn’t care that I was old and decrepit (in my eyes), and while I was sat in my wheelchair I made the decision to enrol.

Cut to my interview and being accepted and it has been amazing. I need to catch up on my adventures. I have been rubbish and haven’t written up my Dominican and Barbados adventures. From this point on I am going to try and remind myself.

Our lecturers want us to make art blogs and an insta account. I have done that on insta so please follow me on my life journey (sounds cheesy I know).

I will keep trying when I travel along with my art. We are about to go to Berlin soon on an art trip with Uni so I will keep you updated.

I love uni, I love the class, it’s challenging and I am learning a lot. I am already improving in my art. This is definitely the right time for me. 19 year old me would have wasted this opportunity.

You’re never too old to have your own type of adventure. Life begins at 40 right? Right?

The old woman with one of the young’uns she loves so much!

You can follow me using the following links:


Facebook Pages that I will start paying more attention to:

One thought on “Chameleon Blog

  1. It’s great that you got the opportunity to pursue an art education! It’s not uncommon for many people to change the trajectory of their careers, if not the careers themselves, a handful of times in their lifetimes. So it’s definitely not never too late and one is never “too old” to learn something new and do what one loves. You’re gonna do great.

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