Creative Overload – Part 2

One of the things that stifles my creativity is the idea of an audience or lack of one.

On the one hand I want my stuff out there, that’s why we create right?

On the other hand, the fear of rejection is strong. What if no one wants to see it. Or worse still, what if they do.

Some people thrive under pressure. I do if I am given a task by another, but not if I am the task…mistress.

I still haven’t made my Bad Karaoke video. I put out some feelers to see if there was a song anyone wanted me to give a go. I got zero suggestions and hardly any likes. This sent me into a creative spiral. What if I’m not engaging enough? Why aren’t I on people’s algorithms? Why am I being ignored? This is all stuff I really shouldn’t care about.

The point is to do stuff that you enjoy otherwise it’s work. I like writing and creating stuff to show that more things are achievable than we sometimes realise. I’m not an influencer, nor do I want to be. I am not a brand. I’m a real person. So that means I can keep doing the stuff I like (when I get round to it) and if something good happens from that, then great, if not, also great, at least I did it.

Personal growth is growth!

So this week the fibro has been hitting me hard and I am more behind on uni and other things. Also I am writing a book that I started in earnest and then abandoned. It’s half term for me for 3 weeks.

Time to do some stuff!

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