A Little Update – Hurricane Ian

The thing about plans is they may completely unravel due to circumstances beyond your control. This is what happened with our trip to Barbados and Dominica. Two activities we were looking forward to was our first SCUBA dive and a trip to Titou Gorge. (I will still post the info article I wrote before we […]

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Mark Watson & Pontardawe

Pontardawe Arts Centre and Mark Watson I have been very slack due to illness again and I keep saying I’m back from outer space. The truth is, I have not ever been to space and as I am not a million or billionaire. If anyone wants to donate to my cause feel free. I want […]

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Ladies’ Night Out

I have felt like getting back into the social scene as I have spent the best part of 7 months in bed. As the pain is getting more manageable, my doctor suggested I try to build up my strength and leave the house more because I would like to get back to work. Everyone leads […]

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Booking The Cure at Hyde Park

The Cure are my favourite band! They have been since I was a kid, when my parent’s electic tastes and experiences were starting to influence mine. They had introduced me to music from artists including Tina Turner, Bob Marley (who dad was an unofficial roadie for back in the day when he toured small London […]

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